Linking the Researchers, Developing the Innovations Manuscripts submittal opens till 10 August 2024. Please submit your papers at or

  • International Journal of Art, Culture, Design and Language

    Editor-In-Chief : Prof. Sajid Ali

    International journal of arts, culture, design and language is open-access peer reviewed scholarly monthly international journal in the wide range of art disciplines dealing with the arts science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems. The journal holds the publishing original & high quality research papers and review articles covering multidisciplinary topics in the field of arts, culture, language and technology and practical application of Arts science and design for commerce or industry.
    Submit your paper at
    No Publication Fee  

    Aim and Scope

    International journal of arts, culture, design and language aim to give its contribution in a state-of-the art research Arts studies & activities in advance innovation of arts and design areas, which cover topics in a wide range of fine arts, culture, science and language technology with the latest outstanding research & developments but not limited to. The accepted papers will be supervised double peer review process method contacted under the editorial board reviewers. The journal system primarily aims to bring out the scientific research endowment from academia, businessman, practitioners, research scholars, Bachelor, Master, PhD students of, Arts, culture, design and language.

    Topics Covered

    Aesthetics and semantics

    Art, design, fashion and architecture history

    Arts, Art History and Art Management

    Artworks, performances, and installations

    Art and heritage in cyberspace, cyber-museums

    Cultural studies and critical theory

    Creative and innovative media arts concepts and projects

    Cultural heritage within the Web

    Cybernetics, artificial intelligence, and cognitive-based concepts and practices

    Child Language Acquisition

    Colonization, Globalization and Decolonization

    Design and material culture

    Digital art, digital culture, net art, and digital design

    Data mining and warehousing in cyber worlds

    Dance and Dance History

    Emerging Technologies and Media Studies

    Foreigner Language Studies

    Fine Arts

    Film History and World Cinemas

    Film, media and television studies

    Graphic Design, Illustration and digital arts



    Human-computer interaction studies and applications

    Human issues/impacts

    Imaginary and creative concepts and applications

    Information visualization in art and design issues

    Innovative Web, Web3D, and multimedia studies and applications

    Language, Mind and Multilingualism

    Language Maintenance and Language Shifts

    Language Attitude and Identity

    Linguistics and Sociolinguistics

    Language Policy and Language Planning

    Language Program Management

    Literacy and Education

    Language and Culture Archives


    Photography, new media and electronic imaging

    Painting, sculpture, Drawing and Photography

    Public speaking and Creative Writing

    Psychology and cognition studies

    Social and ethical issues

    Sign Language and Symbolic Systems

    Theater, Drama and Opera

    Technology Impact and Use of Language

    Technologies for teaching art and design

    Visual studies culture

    Virtual architecture and heritage

    Virtual, augmented, and mixed realities in art and design

    Visual languages

    Indexing & Abstracting

    Please click the home page for the Indexing & Abstrcting    


    All Submitted articles should not have been currently under consideration for publication or nor published before elsewhere. All types of Research Articles such as full-length paper, short communication articles and review articles are welcome to submit in the editorial office through email at 

    Author Instruction


    Sample Article
