Linking the Researchers, Developing the Innovations Manuscripts submittal opens till 10 August 2024. Please submit your papers at or

  Review Process

  • Kambohwell publisher is well known, fastest growing and leading research, publishing organization in the world. We accept manuscripts (Current contributions should not have been formerly published/online nor be currently under consideration anywhere else for the publication) in all formats to encourage and facilitate our authors for rapid and quality publication. Our professionals format the paper conforming to protocols that meets international standards. We provide live tracking and many such features that enhances accessibility and convenience.We encourage research activities all around the globe with Online, 3D and print versions and follow the open access journal system.We publish various journals covering all streams of Engineering, Computer Science, Management, business administration, and Arts design,Education, Medical, Natural Science and Bio-Science. All research articles, review articles, short communications and technical notes are double blind pre-reviewed by the editors for the primary selection and process of publication is expected to be completed within three to five weeks. In the primary selection, manuscript approved for the continual review process after plagiarism method, the manuscript sent to reviewer experts. Our processes follow rigid quality control measures and comply with international standards in journal publishing.

    Editorial Review Procedure: 

    International journal of engineering works aims to give its contribution in state-of-the art research studies & activities in advance innovation and engineering science areas, which cover topics in a wide range of science and technology with the latest outstanding research & developments but not limited to. The accepted papers will be supervised editorial review process method contacted under the editorial board reviewers. The journal system primarily aims to bring out the scientific research endowment from academia, engineers, practitioners, research scholars, bachelor, master, PhD students of engineering and science. All accepted manuscripts must be prepared in English Language and are subject to a strict and fair editorial review process. Generally, accepted papers will publish and online within three weeks followed by soft copy in PDF format.  

    Flow Chart of Editorial Review Procedure by three potential reviwers: 

    flow diagram