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  • Volume 2018

    A Review on Properties Amelioration of Wearable Antennas
    (International Journal of Engineering Works)

    Vol. 5, Issue 5, PP. 111-115, May 2018
    Keywords: Body Area Network (BAN), Computer Simulation Technology (CST), In-body, On-body,EBG, Textile materials

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    The emergence of Body Area Networks (BAN) in recent times has increased the interest of most researchers in the field of wearable antennas. Due to its widespread popularity most of the research has been done to improve the efficiency and flexibility of the wearable antennas for in-body and on-body applications. This work is the review of the recent development in the area of wearable antennas. Further the use of different textile materials has been studied and their performance has been compared with the ordinary used substrate such as FR-4 for wearable antennas. The results show that use of textile materials have not only increased the efficiency but also they are very flexible and make the antenna suitable for in-body and on- body applications such as medical and military. The properties of antennas inside human body, on human body and finally at some distance from the human body have been studied. It has been noted that as the distance between human body and antenna reduces the properties of antenna such as efficiency, directivity and gain degrade more and more. Also the resonant frequency of antenna shifts from its original position which is a very big issue and need to be rectified. For textile materials the shift in resonant frequency is not too much and also the degradation in other properties of antenna such as efficiency, directivity and gain are insignificant.


    Abid Ahmad, Muhammad Farooq, Gulzar Ahmad, Muhammad Amir, Arbab Masood

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    Abid Ahmad, Muhammad Farooq, Gulzar Ahmad, Muhammad Amir, Arbab Masood, "A Review on Properties Amelioration of Wearable Antennas" International Journal of Engineering Works, Vol. 5, Issue 5, PP. 111-115, May 2018.


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