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  • Volume 2016

    A Study of Online Shoppings Options and Substitutes Affect Online Purchase Decision in Faisalabad
    (International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works)

    Vol. 3, Issue 1, PP. 01-11, January 2016

    Keywords: virtual shopping, more facilities, online shopping options, online shopping substitutes

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    Purchasing through virtual stores is very common now days. It not only made shopping process easy but also provides many facilities to the customers like purchase discounts and promotions, free home delivery and exchanges the products. How these shopping options and shopping substitutes affect the consumers decision to by the product online. Population was selected from Faisalabad city and two hundred and fifty respondents were selected as sample. Different data analyses techniques were used to find out the Frequency, percentages, Chi –square Degree of freedom, P-value, Gamma, mean and standard deviation. Research has found that discounts and sales promotions by internet stores increase online selling and consumers are more motivated to buy the products from internet that have low price as compared to traditional stores.


    Asma Javed: National College of Business Administration & Economics, Lahore, 1E-mail:

    Haris Javed: (Corresponding author) currently doing MBA from University of Agriculture,Faisalabad, Email:

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    Asma javed, Haris Javed, "A Study of Online Shoppings Options and Substitutes Affect Online Purchase Decision in Faisalabad"International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Work, Vol. 3, Issue 1, PP. 01-11, January 2016.


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