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  • Volume 2018

    An Efficient Plasmonic Back Reflector for Thin-film Silicon Solar Cell Application
    (International Journal of Engineering Works)

    Vol. 5, Issue 6, PP. 120-123, June 2018
    Keywords: Perfect absorber, back reflectors, broadband, polarization-sensitive, solar energy harvesting

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    A plasmonic back reflector based on gold nanoparticles were numerically investigated for thin-film solar cell application. A cluster of 21 gold nanoparticles was placed at the bottom layer of the cell with the objective to enhance the absorption of incident solar radiations. Different parameters of the proposed design are changed due to which maximum absorption is obtained. Furthermore, the influence of shape and material are also varied, which also affect and enhance the absorption characteristics of the solar cell.


    1. Aimal Daud Khan: Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan,
    2. Javed Iqbal: Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan.
    3. Salim ur Rehman: Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar 25000, Pakistan.

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    Aimal Daud Khan, Javed Iqbal, Salim ur Rehman, "An Efficient Plasmonic Back Reflector for Thin-film Silicon Solar Cell Application" International journal of Engineering Works, Vol. 5, Issue 6, PP. 120-123, June 2018.


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