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  • Volume 2016

    An Environmental Friendly and a High Efficient Energy Production Technology from MSW by using Air Fed RDF Gasification
    (International Journal of Engineering Works)

    Vol. 3, Issue 6, PP. 52-54, June 2016
    Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste, Refuse Derived Fuel, Gasification, Incineration, Renewable Energy, Disposal.

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    Waste is the discard matters that comes from human activity and require proper disposal to avoid harmful effects to the environment.Though, there is still energy hidden inside the disposal and one need to recover that method because it is considered a green and clean renewable energy that can reduce greenhouse gas emission and lessen the effect of global warming. This paper provides an overview of the basic principle, steps involved in extraction of valuable energy from municipal solid waste (MSW) by using Air Fed Refuse derived fuel (RDF) gasification, benefits of gasification on environment and how gasification advances over incineration. MSW gasification is measured as the most prospective technology to replace incineration, because of the advantages, such as the strict control of pollution, significant volume reduction and enhances recycling rates. 


    Salman Khan is a student of University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar,studying MS Electrical Power Engineering.Research area of interest is Renewable energy, Control System and Electrical Transmission & Distribution. Email:

    Professor Dr. Muhammad Naeem Arbab is a Professor in University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar in Electrical Department. He got his Ph.D. from UK and author of two engineering books i.e., High Voltage Engineering and Electrical Power Generation and published more than 25 Research Papers. Email:

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    Salman Khan, Muhammad Naeem Arbab, "An Environmental Friendly and a High Efficient Energy Production Technology from MSW by using Air Fed RDF Gasification" International Journal of Engineering Works, Vol. 3, Issue 6, PP. 52-54, June 2016. 


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