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  • Volume 2018

    An Innovative Automation of Production Processes in the Automotive Industry
    (International Journal of Engineering Works)

    Vol. 5, Issue 11, PP. 240-247, November 2018
    Keywords: industrial robot, automotive industry, industry 4.0, automation, production process, vehicle production

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    The world is currently in the process of the fourth industrial revolution due to the development of digital technologies. Developed countries in the world, such as Germany, USA, Japan and those that want to reach developed countries like China, are rapidly developing and implementing innovative technologies with the goal of achieving "intelligent manufacturing processes" or "intelligent factories". Germany is developing and implementing digital technologies through strategy called "Industry 4.0". With their policy named ‘’Advanced Manufacturing Partnership 2.0’’, the United States want to create high-quality manufacturing jobs, initiate renaissance of the production processes and connect industry with the internet. In May 2015, the Government of China, inspired by the German "Industry 4.0", has announced a ten-year development strategy or a reform called "Made in China 2025", which aims to promote China into a leading technological force by 2025, improve global competitiveness through innovations, explore and apply new jobs through adapting production, or in other words to progressively restructure and innovate the production sector like other industrial countries in the world. The best example of innovation is the automotive industry, for two reasons. The paper presents the representation of industrial robots in production processes, with particular reference to the application of industrial robots in the automotive industry, as well as innovative solutions for the future in relation to industrial robots. The paper also provides a review of innovative solutions in regard to the automotive industry.


    1. Isak Karabegović:University of Bihać, Pape Ivana Pavla II 2, 77000 Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina
    2. Edina Karabegović:University of Bihać, Pape Ivana Pavla II 2, 77000 Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina
    3. Mehmed Mahmić:University of Bihać, Pape Ivana Pavla II 2, 77000 Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina
    4. Ermin Husak: University of Bihać, Pape Ivana Pavla II 2, 77000 Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Isak Karabegović Edina Karabegović Mehmed Mahmić and Ermin Husak, "Innovative Automation of Production Processes in the Automotive Industry", International Journal of Engineering Works, Vol. 5 Issue 11 PP. 240-247 November 2018.


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