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  • Volume 2015

    Analysis of Pressure Losses in Conditioned Air Distribution: Case Study of an Industrial Cafeteria
    (International Journal of Engineering Works)

    Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 32-41, March, 2015
    Keywords: Head Loss, Duct Fittings, Air Distribution, Cafeteria

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    Fractions of the total head loss which constitute the loss through duct fittings are calculated for various duct runs in a conditioned air distribution system of a cafeteria building project. An ‘Excel’ plot shows a second order increase of the fraction from 0.70 to 0.76 for an increase in duct length from 6.2m to 22.1m. Also, an average fraction of 0.73 was obtained for an average duct length of 15.8m from the computed values. The study shows that the loss through duct fittings constitutes a major loss (being greater than 50% of the total), as corroborated by results of earlier studies. The fractions of head loss due to duct fittings obtained in this study would serve as useful approximations for similar duct layouts and lengths.


    John I. Sodiki: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rivers State University  of Science and Technology, P.M.B.5080, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

    Email:, Cell # +2348033101488

    Full Text


    John I. Sodik, "Analysis of Pressure Losses in Conditioned Air Distribution: Case Study of an Industrial Cafeteria" International Journal of Engineering Works, Vol. 2, Issue 3, PP. 32-41, March, 2015.   


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