By using large-scale antenna arrays, considerable enhancement in energy and spectral efficiency is accomplished. What will be the optimum number of antennas, active users and transmit power? In single cell consequence Zero Forcing (ZF) processing is used to know how the constraints interact. A conjoint belief is transmitter power is enlarged with large number of antennas that means EE-systems can operate in high Signal to noise ratio systems where interference-suppressing signal processing is mandatory. Systematic and arithmetical results show that, Massive MIMO is the solution to get maximum energy efficiency. A combination of Massive MIMO and Small cell access point is also anticipated to increase the energy proficiency at the UEs, without losing the Quality of Service (QoS). If latter are operator positioned, a spatial soft cell tactic can be used at the multiple transmitters to oblige the users by non-coherent beam forming, overall power ingestion can be diminished without losing QoS restraints.
Muhammad Irshad Zahoor: College of Information and Communication Engineerin Harbin Engineering University China,, 0086-18346193101
Naveed Ur Rehman: College of Information and Communication engineering, Habin Engineering University China,, 0086-13009848100
Fakhar Abbas : College of Information and Communication Engineering, Harbin Engineering University China,, 0086-18845073024
SaifUllah Adnan: College of Information and Communication engineering, Habin Engineering University China,, 0086-15776869416
Muhammad Irshad Zahoor, Naveed Ur Rehman, Fakhar Abbas, SaifUllah Adnan "Case Study of Energy Efficiency in Massive MIMO System" International Journal of Engineering works, Vol. 1, Issue 2, PP. 32-37, Nov. 2014
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