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  • Volume 2020

    Challenges for the Academic Researcher in the Age of Distraction-An Explanatory Study
    (International Journal of Law and Peace Works)

    Vol. 07, Issue 02, PP. 1-5, February 2020
    Keywords: Distraction, Collaboration, Workplace, Deep Work, Employee Engagement

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    In today’s world with the change in work environment the academic researcher demands the high tech support and easy access to information along with peaceful work environment. Clearly, cubicles in past were designed with the intention to provide the privacy, encourage collaboration in teams and allow space for keeping some documents. This study explains the causes of distraction at workplace which affect the researcher engagement and for that small sampling size is considered based on purposive sampling. To collect required information one on one interviews were conducted and closed ended questionnaire were filled by the respondent based on Likert scale i:e 5 means strongly agree and 1 means strongly disagree. The outcome concludes that open-plan office and small cubicle design has seriously affected the working environment due to number of reasons such as noise, lack of privacy, unsupportive staff and continuous interruption. However, university policies related to distraction need to be given serious attention such as comfortable working environment, consultation policies for students, good relation between management etc. to encourage high performance.


    Amir Ali Khushk: Lecturer-Management Science, SZABIST University

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    Amir Ali Khushk, "Challenges for the Academic Researcher in the Age of Distraction-An Explanatory Study" Vol. 07, Issue 02, PP. 1-5, February 2020


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