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  • Volume 2019

    Conventional and Rubberize Concrete Cylinders Filled with PVC Tube
    (International Journal of Engineering Works)

    Vol. 6, Issue 05, PP. 172-175, May 2019
    Keywords: Polyvinyl Chloride, Rubberize Concrete, PVC Jacket, Composite Structure And External Confinement

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    The use of composite materials poly-vinyl chloride (PVC) in construction were studied. The use of PVC plastic pipe for concrete tubing is an alternative to use instead of concrete encased in steel tube and hence improve strength, ductility, durability, economical and environmental friendly. The key application of PVC tubing was its use in high aggressive environments and stop the penetration of chlorine and carbon dioxide directed towards core concrete and defect core concrete. Although the use of PVC as a composite materials in aggressive environments are efficient but PVC behave like brittle materials. The main parameters discussed are geometric and materials properties of thin PVC, stay-in-place formwork, PVC tubing from conventional concrete and rubberize concrete, confinement.


    Faizullah Jan: University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

    Amjad Naseer: University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

    Muhammad Fahadullah: City University of Science and Information Technology (CUSIT) Peshawar

    Hammad Akbar: University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

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    Faizullah Jan Amjad Naseer Muhammad Fahadullah and Hammad Akbar Conventional and Rubberize Concrete Cylinders Filled with PVC Tube International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 6 Issue 05 PP. 172-175 May 2019


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