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  • Volume 2017

    Design and Implementation of Power System Optomization Using Particles Swarm Algorithms for Addressing the Economic Dispatch Problem
    (International Journal of Engineering Works)

    Vol. 4, Issue 8, PP. 151-155, August 2017
    Keywords: Particle Swarm Algorithm (PSA), Economic Load Dispatch, Bus Bar System

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    This research is aimed to design a power system using particle swarm algorithm (PSA) and test its efficiency on a standard IEEE bus bar system. The algorithm has been modified for power generating system and successfully demonstrates and provides optimization results for six generating units . Reducion in fuel cost by distributing load among the generating units in  inter connected bus bar system is the core area of this research. The losses in power transmission as well as generation are also minimized. Moreover, the PSA coding was executed using MATLAB and the  graphs are shown for comparison with other optimization techniques. The results obtained using PSA were compared with other optimization techniques and PSA was found comparatively better than other techniques. PSA has been found to be reliable for power system optimization and hence suitable for practical purposes.


    1. Research Scholar at University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar , Pakistan. Email: ,  Cell: 0092-333-4531334 .
    2. Professor at University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar , Pakistan.  , Email:  , Cell:  0092-333-9108908 .

    Full Text


    Engr. Muhammad Zakria,    Dr. Muhammad Naeem Arbab, "Design and Implementation of Power System Optomization Using Particles Swarm Algorithms for Addressing the Economic Dispatch Problem" International Journal of Engineering Works, Vol. 4, Issue 8, PP. 151-155, August 2017.                              




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