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  • Volume 2017

    Designing and Simulation Analysis of Power management (Power Monitoring and Power Distribution) and Automatic system through Wireless communication
    (International Journal of Engineering Works)

    Vol. 4, Issue 1, PP. 29-32, January 2017
    Keywords: Zigbee module, Microcontroller (Arduino), Current sensor, XBee wireless communication, IR sensors, ITU

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    This Paper presents the basic concept and methodology of smart grid, intelligent load management, intelligent load shedding, theft control, and automatic monitoring through wireless communication using Zigbee module. We have three main units in our project main server, intelligent terminal, local controller. The main server is used to monitor the load and distribute the load according to the requirement of the local controller. The intelligent terminal unit (I.T.U) is a customized unit that is used to distribute the load to the local controller. The local controller is used to monitor and store the consumption of load of the user. Simulations are carried out using PROTEUS Software to verify the performance of the proposed controller. The output shows the controller has fast dynamic response high accuracy of monitoring controlling.



    1. Amjad Khan: PG Research student, Dept. of EEE, University of Engineering and technology Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
    2. Kaleem Ullah: PG Research student, Dept. of EEE, University of Engineering and technology Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
    3. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Arbaab: Research Scholar, Dept. of EEE, University of Engineering and technology Peshawar, KP, Pakistan

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    Amjad Khan, Kaleem Ullah, Dr. Muhammad Naeem Arbaab, "Designing and Simulation Analysis of Power management (Power Monitoring and Power Distribution) and Automatic system through Wireless communication" International Journal of Engineering Works, Vol. 4, Issue 1, PP. 29-32, January 2017. 



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