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  • Volume 2019

    Energy Audit: A Case Study of UET Jalozai Campus
    (International Journal of Engineering Works)

    Vol. 6, Issue 05, PP. 187-191, May 2019
    Keywords: Energy Audit, Energy, Lux Meter, Lighting, Generation, Consumption

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    Pakistan is facing a decade long worst crises of energy. The demand supply gaps, heavy dependence on imported fossil fuel and inefficient consumption patterns are major thematic reasons of crises. Energy conservation is a low hanging fruits which can be materialized to answer the crises. This is a joint academia and industry projects, where detailed energy audit of educational facility of University of Engineering and Technology Jalozai Campus was carried. The significant energy consumer areas of educational building like lighting, Heating and cooling system and generation plants were deeply investigated. In additions, the male and female boarding houses were audited. Based on Illumination Engineering Standards and ASHRAE level III benchmarking, various energy conservations measures were recommended including efficient lighting system, installation of occupancy sensors, office appliances scheduling and transition towards energy efficient fans. The suggested recommendations implementations are capable to save a 22.3% of electricity in the facility.  The economic analysis shows a payback period six to eighteen months for various conservation measures.  In addition, a behavioral training and mobilization drive is highly recommended to build the conservation culture on gross root level as integrated part of societal practices and cultural values.


    1. Zafar Ullah Khan: US-PCASE UET Peshawar

    2. Noor Muhmmad: US-PCASE UET Peshawar

    3. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Khan: US-PCASE UET Peshawar

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    Zafar Ullah Khan Noor Muhmmad and Dr. Muhammad Naeem Khan Energy Audit: A Case Study of UET Jalozai Campus International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 6 Issue 05 PP. 187-191 May 2019


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