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  • Volume 2019

    Factors Affecting Employees Subjective Well-being and Performance in Pakistanis Organizations
    (International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works)

    Vol. 6, Issue 2, PP. 12-17, February 2019

    Keywords: Subjective Well-Being, health, absenteeism, motivation, work performance

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    The main purpose for conducting this research is to explore the relationship between Subjective well-being, absenteeism, health, and employee’s motivation for on work performance in Pakistan. A questionnaire was used as the method to gather data from 144 employees of different organizations in Pakistan and Smart PLS was used to analyze the data. The results indicate that motivation and health both have positive relation with SWB and Work performance while absenteeism has positive relation with SWB but negative relation to work performance. This study covers different public and private sector organization employees working in Punjab, Pakistan. That’s why some of the other areas outside Asia could be chosen for future research purposes with a bigger sample size. This research basically determined that how different factors impact Subjective Well-Being to enhance work performance of employees as well as the organization.


    1. Amina Shafi: Department of Management and HR, Hohai Business School, Hohai University Nanjing. China,
    2. Prof. Wang Qun: Department of Management and HR, Hohai Business School, Hohai University Nanjing. China,

    Full Text


    Amina Shafi, Wang Qun, "Factors Affecting Employees Subjective Well-being and Performance in Pakistani Organizations", International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works, Vol. 6, Issue 2, PP. 12-17, February 2019.


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