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  • Volume 2018

    Intelligent Control Algorithm for Distributed Battery Energy Storage Systems
    (International Journal of Engineering Works)

    Vol. 5, Issue 12, PP. 252-259, December 2018
    Keywords: Battery energy storage systems, State of charge, Control algorithm, Renewable energy

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    Recent trends towards bulk renewable energy penetration in the power grid have made it essential to have reserve power in the system to overcome variability and intermittent nature of renewable energy sources. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are vastly utilized for this purpose but the cost and limited life of batteries limits its use. In this paper a control strategy for battery energy storage systems is proposed in which batteries are discharged based on state of charge and state of health. Simulations are performed in MATLAB. By implementing this algorithm load can be shifted small batteries to batteries with better health and capacity. The results show the working of algorithm and the selection of batteries based on set input variable. In this way battery energy storage systems will have longer lifetime, better efficiency and economical operation. 


    1. Asfand Yar Ali: US Pakistan center for Advance Studies in energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar
    2. Juveria Anwar: US Pakistan center for Advance Studies in energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar
    3. Rabia bibi: US Pakistan center for Advance Studies in energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar
    4. Muhammad Raheel Khattak: US Pakistan center for Advance Studies in energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar
    5. Abdul Basit: US Pakistan center for Advance Studies in energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar

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    Asfand Yar Ali Juveria Anwar Rabia bibi Muhammad Raheel Khattak and Abdul Basit, Intelligent Control Algorithm for Distributed Battery Energy Storage Systems, International Journal of Engineering Works, Vol. 5 Issue 12 PP. 252-259 December 2018


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