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  • Volume 2017

    Investigating Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier (UFMC) Performance analysis in 5G cognitive Radio Based Sensor Network (CSNs)
    (International Journal of Engineering Works)

    Vol. 4, Issue 1, PP. 5-9, January 2017
    Keywords: Adhoc Wireless Network Routing Protocols, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Energy efficiency, Random mobility model

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    Abstract— Latest trend in research tend to fulfill requirements of the most talked about 5G networks. These networks need to be engineered in terms of cost, energy and spectral efficiency, number of connected devices and latency. Cognitive Radio (CR) is one of the promising techniques to meet the above mentioned requirements that operates at microwave frequencies and exploits underutilized spectrum bands. Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier (UFMC) is a new channel judgment method that use multicarrier modulation scheme. UFMC is consider like an applicant for the 5th Generation of wireless communication systems and replaces OFDM .Latest research indicates that cellular networks are better operated with the novel UFMC with enhanced performance in terms of improved spectral efficiency, less usage of energy as well as latency. However, an emerging area of Information and Communication technology (ICT) are Cognitive radio based Sensor Networks (CSNs). Even basic observations using empirical approach can reveal important observations, especially if the above mentioned latest channel estimation technique (UFMC) , is tried and observed for CSNs. The option of CSNs as test bed is based on abundant use of the supporting in various social and military setups. In this work, part of frequency synchronization and channel estimation are explore and correlate with OFDM and UFMC systems with CSNs as tested, primarily with a computer-aided software simulator and also with real time experimentation in special laboratory if resources permit.


    1. Amjad Iqbal: Department of Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan.  Email:
    2. Syed Shah: Department of Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan. Email:
    3. M.Amir: Department of Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan. Email:

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    Amjad Iqbal, Syed Shah, M. Amir, "Investigating Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier (UFMC) Performance analysis in 5G cognitive Radio Based Sensor Network (CSNs)" International Journal of Engineering Works,Vol. 4, Issue 1, PP. 5-9, January 2017. 


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