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  • Volume 2017

    Legal framework of Directors’ Duties in OHADA Law (Senegal)
    (International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works)

    Vol. 4, Issue 11, PP. 24-30, November 2017
    Keywords: Company Law, Corporate Governance, Directors Duties, OHADA-Senegal

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    This article is aimed to study the legal framework of directors’ duties in Ohada law. The Organization for the Harmonization of Business Laws (OHADA),is a supranational system of business laws that, as implemented in Senegal is trying to regulate all the core businesses.Ohada displays two level of mixing.Firstly,Ohada Law is supranational, it becomes part of the internal law of each state member but still remains supranational characteristics.Secondly,Ohada being at least partially French-inspired, we can  understand that the most of the countries which adopted Ohada Laws are French-speaking. The duties of Directors in Senegal are regulated mainly by the uniform companies’ act which is part of the Ohada law. It should be noted that before the adoption of Ohada, company law was governed by the code of civil obligations and in its fourth part. For companies listed on the RSE, they must comply both with the general regulations of the BRVM and with the provisions of the Uniform Companies Act concerning publicly traded companies. This article aims to illuminate the lanterns on the question of the duties of directors in Ohada law, during my research I have observed that subjects such as corporate governance in general and the duties of directors in Ohada are left stranded by most researchers. This is why this topic has an interest in reabsorbing this gap insofar as the legal framework of the duties of directors often mentions many questions because of the lack of loyalty and diligence of certain directors.


    Diourbel, (Senegal), 1987/03/12. 2015-Current: PhD Law and Finance, School of Law,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. 2015:Chinese Language Proficiency HSK LEVEL 4 in Nanjing Normal University (Nanjing, China)2013:Master in Migration Law Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences Cheikh Anta Diop University of   Dakar (Senegal). 2009: License and Master in Business Law Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (Senegal). 2. 007:Diploma of General University Studies in Private Law in Legal and Political Sciences Faculty of   Legal and Political Sciences Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (Senegal) In 2011 from September to December, he was a contractor within the land of the modernization of the Directorate General of Taxes and Domains (Land Book Grand-Dakar, Ngor-Almadies).He participated in an inventory and updating the land register, the writing and creation of new land titles, also the control and regularization of the Land Books. In 2012, from August to September, he was an intern in a Notary Public Approved in Dakar. From September 2012 to July 2014, he was an administrative agent in charge of Legal Affairs SPR-int-Airport Security Service. He was assisting the general manager and handling all the legal issues of the company. In 2015, Dr.Niang took part in the China Arbitration Conference organized by CIETAC and hosted by Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

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    Oumar Niang, "Legal framework of Directors’ Duties in OHADA Law (Senegal)", International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works, Vol. 4, Issue 11, PP. 24-30, November 2017.


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