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  • Volume 2015

    Managing Construction Uncertainty In The Nigerian Construction Industry Through The Application Of Fuzzy Logic Model
    (International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works)

    Vol. 2, Issue 5, PP. 31-36, May 2015
    Keywords: Construction project, delays, fuzzy logic, Matlab program software

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    Delays in construction projects can be due to a number of factors, which need to be classified and identified. For the success of a construction project, estimation of the plausibility of delay resulting from different factors must be carried out or fully investigated. This research is the extension of delay analysis techniques by using fuzzy logic method. The paper presents a practical application of fuzzy logic theory in predicting construction project delay using Fuzzy toolbox of MATLAB Program Software, the delay factors are identified based on literature review from other studies and opinion from some selected construction professionals were ranked using Relative Important Index (RII) scale. Fuzzy logic provides a unique way to arrive at a definite conclusion based upon vague, imprecise or missing input information. Fuzzy logic is a form of many-valued logic; it deals with reasoning that is approximate rather than fixed and exact. The results derived from this model indicate a systematic and effective way for analyzing construction project delays.


    Tope Femi Okuntade

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    Tope Femi Okuntade, "Managing Construction Uncertainty In The Nigerian Construction Industry Through The Application Of Fuzzy Logic Model"International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works, Vol. 2, Issue 5, PP. 31-36, May  2015.                            


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