Despite increasing consideration on subject matter of empowerment, our understanding of constructs and their underlying processes for actual implementation remains limited. Purpose of this research study is to address these shortcomings by providing an analytical treatment of the construct and by integrating the diverse approaches towards leadership empowerment behavior through regression analysis so as to gauge its impact on individual performance. Data is collected through Simple random sampling from a sample of 300 middle managers from the three manufacturing sectors of Pakistan through structured questionnaire. Analysis is done by finding the relation between dependent and independent variables through correlation. Finally the impact of leaders’ behavior on the associated empowerment elements and the performance dimensions are illustrated through the Multiple Linear Regressions. Results show that the potential factors of empowerment for individual performance includes operational relations, association with work, team support, dedicated managers, on-job exposure, job-magnetism, dedicated managers and command at work. Thus the four selected dimensions of performance vividly support the constructs of empowerment proposed in this study. The results of this research are expected to increase knowledge and insight of the contributing factors of empowerment.
Syeda Sadaf Tallia: MS Scholar,Institute of Management Sciences, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan. Lecturer at AIR University Multan Campus,Email : .
Dr. Hayat M. Awan: (Supervisor) Dean/Faculty AIR University Multan Campus, Main Campus Islamabad, Pakistan. Email :
Contact: 03008634275
Syeda Sadaf Tallia, Dr. Hayat M. Awan, "Measuring the Impact of Empowered Leaders on Individual Performance Enrichment" International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works, Vol. 3, Issue 1, PP. 12-24, January 2016.
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