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  • Volume 2017

    Megaprojects in Developing Countries and their Challenges
    (International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works)

    Vol. 4, Issue 11, PP. 6-12, November 2017
    Keywords: Megaprojects, developing countries, major challenges, internal and external factors, conceptual framework

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    Megaprojects management have their challenges in many areas from the planning to operating phase, the internal and external factors can be affected to the project success and failure. In developing countries megaprojects had been facing with many challenges that influence to megaprojects failed and the poor quality of megaprojects, thus, those issue can be a major challenge for those low-income countries in term of dealing megaprojects management. Social, economics, technology, organization and other external environments factors in developing countries didn’t support the running successful megaprojects and project governance mechanism cannot achieve the project objectives, due to those countries have been lacking of many basic facilities for driving the megaprojects success. This research aims to identify the major challenges of megaprojects in both developed and developing countries thorough review of academic journals related to megaprojects and construction project management studies with the comparing the differences of those challenges. In addition, this research aims to develop a conceptual framework for megaprojects challenges and megaproject needs in developing countries. The results of this study provided the potential information, characteristics of megaprojects, project management issues and context of the megaprojects management studies in developing countries. Moreover, it identified main challenges of megaprojects from different perspective that can be contributed the knowledge of megaprojects, particular the study can support the future research of megaproject in developing countries.


    1. Nikhaphone MACKHAPHONH is a doctoral candidate in Construction Project Management, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University. He received the master degree in Management Science from Tongji University, Shanghai, China and bachelor in Building Technology from National University of Laos, Vientiane, Laos. His research focuses on megaprojects management studies and governance of major infrastructure projects in developing countries.
    2. Guangshe JIA is a professor of Construction Project Management and Real Estate Department, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai, China. He had background on megaprojects in many areas on project management studies. His research interest in construction project management and megaprojects studies such as large-scale project controlling, project management maturity and interdisciplinary studies, he has rich practical experiences in many mega construction projects such as Shanghai Hongqiao Transportation Hub, Shenzhen Airport expansion, Kunming New Airport, Shanghai Pudong International Airport, etc. He published more than 30 articles in Chinese and English language, 7 books in construction project management and other fields of civil engineering.


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    Nikhaphone MACKHAPHONH, Guangshe JIA,"Megaprojects in Developing Countries and their Challenges" International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works, Vol. 4, Issue 11, PP. 6-12, November 2017.


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