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  • Volume 2019

    Novel Control Technique for Control of Circulating Current in Modular Multilevel Converters
    (International Journal of Engineering Works)

    Vol. 6, Issue 06, PP. 192-195, June 2019
    Keywords: Modular Multilevel converters, circulating current, Even order harmonics, repetitive controller, arm voltages

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    Modular multilevel converters are the prominent candidates for high voltage direct current transmission systems. They offer high flexibility, modularity and flexibility in their operation. The main problem of multilevel converters are the circulating current in the converter and arm’s voltage balancing in steady state and dynamic state. An easy and flexible control scheme is introduced in this study which eliminates the even order harmonics in the circulating current and reduces the circulating current. The model is implemented in Simulink/Matlab and the results confirm the efficiency of the proposed model. , the response of the controller is also presented in result section, which manifest its ability to control the current and eliminate the even order harmonics.


    1. Farhan Ali: US Pakistan Centre for Advance Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan.

    2. Dr Tanvir Ahmad: US Pakistan Centre for Advance Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan.

    3. Asif Khan: US Pakistan Centre for Advance Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan.

    4. Saad Rashid: US Pakistan Centre for Advance Studies in Energy, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan.

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    Farhan Ali Dr Tanvir Ahmad Asif Khan and Saad Rashid Novel Control Technique for Control of Circulating Current in Modular Multilevel Converters International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 6 Issue 06 PP. 192-195 June 2019


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