In seamless and fast mobility, smooth handover is one of the major challenges in small cell heterogeneous cellular networks. This paper focuses on the phenomenon of vertical handover for wireless heterogeneous networks. This class of networks can be grounded on the parameter values such as bandwidth availability, received signal strength, call request/served per unit time (mean), power dissipation, consumption of power, duration of mobile station presence, network security, cost of the network and velocity of the mobile station. The proposed system, in this paper, is characterized on the basis of four network parameters which are scrutinized as per a pre-defined criterion. Thereafter, vertical handover occurs at the most suitable among the available four networks. In order to achieve the objective, various parameters are applied for the vertical handover decision and implementation. Furthermore, the final decision is taken on the basis of individual network’s call blocking probability considering the aforesaid parameters.
Saad Iqbal Alamgir Khan Hassan Wasim Khan Imraan Khan and Fazal Muhammad Performance Enhancement of Heterogeneous Cellular Networks Using Vertical Handover International Journal of Engineering Works Vol. 6 Issue 02 PP. 44-49 February 2019
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