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  • Volume 2015

    Security by IDS-AM-Clust, honeyd and honeycomb
    (International Journal of Engineering Works)

    Vol. 2, Issue 9, PP. 84-92, Sept. 2015
    Keywords: Honeypot, Honeyd, Honeycomb, IDS, Mobile Agent, Clust-Density, Attacks

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    Various tools and methods are developed to secure our information systems against hackers.This work proposes a new security architecture of IS, using a combination of Honeyd and their plugin honeycomb with intrusion detection system based on mobile agent and data mining algorithm Clust-density. theprinciplal goal is to detect intrusions flowing through the network. also, we show that by using this architecture, we obtained a higher level of security and we can study the behavior of the pirates and their techniques to evaluate the system in which it is implemented by simulating a vulnerable machine and /or network.


    Affilation : Systems Engineering Laboratory, Data Analysis and Security Team National  School of Applied Sciences, University Ibn Tofail, Kénitra, Morocco

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    Chaimae Saadi, Habiba Chaoui, "Security by IDS-AM-Clust, honeyd and honeycomb" International Journal of Engineering Works, Vol. 2, Issue 9, PP. 84-92, Sept. 2015. 



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