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  • Volume 2019

    Socio-Economic Effects of Proverty
    (International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works)

    Vol. 6, Issue 2, PP. 1-11, February 2019
    Keywords: Socio-economy, Eradicate poverty, North-west Peshawar city

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    The Poverty is one of the major problems facing by countries of the world today.  Poverty arise when people of a country are not able to achieve the standard of living that is usual for their society. Poverty is not only having no money but in developing countries it is also not having the materials and resources to fulfill their basic needs. Poverty is most wide spread in sub-Saharan and South-Asia where 40% of the population lives on less than $365 a year. Poverty is distributed in absolute and relative terms. On global systematic causes such as track, aid & debt etc. & on national level deficiencies of public administrations and financial management are the causes of poverty. The purpose of this study is to find out the socio-economic status of the residence of Gharibabad, and to identify the socio-economic effects of poverty in Gharibabad. The study also aims at giving suggestion to eradicate poverty. The methodology used is on the basis of primary as well as secondary data. The data was tabulated, carefully checked, and then tables were provided for data analysis. Simple bar graph was used to show the data graphically. The study area is Gharibabad which is a part of Shaheen Town, situated in the North West of Peshawar City. A sample of size 78 respondents was drawn. It was selected on the basis of random sampling technique. The study finds that most of the people were unemployed. Highest unemployed was 78%, next was 21%. 36% of respondents have income between 5000-10,000 and 29% having income above 15,000. Most of the respondents were illiterate. 63% of the houses are semi Pakkah, 20% are Kacha and 9% are Pakkah. The study suggests that there should be a zakat committee, availability of employment should be made soft loans should be provided and emphasis should be given and health facilities too. The education system should be improved in order to encourage and aware the people.


    1. Syed Ibrahim Shah: Institute of Management Sciences KPk Peshawar-Pakistan.
    2. Muhammad Umer: Institute of Management Sciences KPk Peshawar-Pakistan.
    3. Babar Nawaz Abbasi: Center for Experimental Economics in Education, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an Shaanxi, China, Email:
    4. Ihsan Ullah: University of Peshawar Statistics Department-Pakistan.
    5. Hifza Abbasi: Federal College of Education Islamabad-Pakistan.

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    Syed Ibrahim Shah, Muhammad Umer, Babar Nawaz Abbasi, Ihsan Ullah, Hifza Abbasi, "Socio-Economic Effects of Proverty" International Journal of Business and Economics and Management Works, Vol. 6, Issue 2, PP. 1-11, February 2019.


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