Poor required infrastructures for e-commerce establishment such as energy, roads, and Internet penetration create obstacles to companies use the convenience of internet to their business benefit. Majority of Africans does not have access to the Internet. This article meanly covers these important points such as Africa great e-commerce potentials, and major obstacles such as electronic power shortage, internet access limitations, and African consumers Behaviors. Based on the literature review, this paper will help to identify some important constraints that are hindering the development of e-commerce, especially in sub-Sahara Africa. The recognition of the key constraints to e-commerce and their fundamental dynamics are appropriate to any policymaker or researcher who wishes to acquire a better understanding of the constraints to e-commerce and professionals looking forward to establishing e-commerce in Africa. This article is one of the few reviews that analyze e-commerce constraints in sub-Saharan Africa and especially described its appropriate constraints.
Bamidele Akonassou James Dossou, Xie Shou Hong, "The Constraints of E-commerce in Africa, Despite the Fact that Having Big Potential to its Development" International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works, Vol. 6, Issue 04, PP. 51-63, April 2019.
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