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  • Volume 2019

    The Development Goal of Major Infrastructure Projects in Laos from Development Principle to Practice
    (International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works)

    Vol. 6, Issue 04, PP. 44-50, April 2019
    Keywords: Major infrastructure projects, development goal, a context of Laos

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    Major infrastructure projects (MIPs) has been considering at the national level that delivery through different principles. In Laos, the projects had concerned as “public investment project” that can be provided a different level of development goal. This research aims to explore the major infrastructure projects and its development goal of providing us a better understanding of infrastructure development. The principle of major public projects in Laos can highlight the character of major infrastructure projects in Laos and its development context. While case studies of major infrastructure projects had provided the possible meaning from practical aspects. Finally, the concept of relevance and sustainability had the concern as requirements for the goal formulation and for considering the overall development goals in the context of Laos.


    1. Nikhaphone MACKHAPHONH: School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
    2. Guangshe JIA: School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
    3. Qiang MOU: School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
    4. Puwei ZHANG: School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

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    1. Nikhaphone MACKHAPHONH, Guangshe JIA, Qiang MOU, Puwei ZHANG "The Development Goal of Major Infrastructure Projects in Laos from Development Principle to Practice" International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works, Vol. 6, Issue 04, PP. 44-50, April 2019.


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