Volume 2018
The Effect of Social Network on the Enterprises Management Strategy - A Review Article
(International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works)
Vol. 5, Issue 8, PP. 9-12, August 2018
Keywords: Managment strategy, HRM Practice, Social Network, Enterprises, Recruitment, Retention
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This review paper is on “Management Strategy and HRM Practices” in which different studies have been analysed and reviewed. The review revealed that social media has played an important role in changing the organisational practices and improving its performance. Hence, it is being widely used in HRM for different activities such as recruitment and retention. However, the different studies analysed, used specific research methods due to which there were gaps and limitations in their findings. Hence, the proposed research method based on mixed method approach will be more appropriate as it will overcome the weaknesses present in one type of research method along with providing diverse views on this important topic.
- Gulam Dastagir: NUAA, Nanjing, China, dastgir99@hotmail.com
- Li Min: NUAA, Nanjing, China, 595271933@qq.com
- Shezad Anwar: NUAA, Nanjing, China, dr.shahzadanwar40@yahoo.com
- Giacomo Conti: NUAA, Nanjing, China, yuning16@icloud.com
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Ghulam Dastagir, Li Min, Shahzad Anwar, Giacomo Conti, "The Effect of Social Network on the Enterprises Management Strategy - A Review Article" International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works, Vol. 5, Issue 8, PP. 9-12, August 2018.
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