The indigenization paradigm is, today, driving sensitive sectors of the Nigerian economy, including education. Generally viewed by culturalists as a strategy aimed at cultural protectionism, it has somehow been envisaged in foreign language (FL) teaching in the country. A good manifestation of this move is viewed in French language teaching which, visibly, is more Afro-centric (in nature), especially at primary and secondary levels of education. In effect, the teaching of French is generally more afro-centric than Euro-centric (Franco-centric). It is aimed primordially at enabling the integration of Nigerians with Francophones from African countries. Moreover, it is driven by afro-centric methods such as On y va among others. However, the Afro-centric nature of foreign language teaching in Nigeria raises a number of questions pertaining to the relationship between foreign languages and western cultural imperialism. This paper explores the interface of foreign language teaching and indigenous cultures as well as the challenges of the indigenization model of foreign language teaching in Nigeria. It attempts to show how foreign language teaching is a vector of cultural imperialism in Nigeria and further seeks to answer two questions: is indigenization really possible in foreign language teaching? And what factors may be challenges to such a laudable cultural policy in language teaching?
Essoh, Ndobo Eugenie Grace, Department of Modern Languages and Translation Studies, University of Calabar, CRS, PMB 1115, Calabar, Nigeria.
(+234) 813 0516 631,
Endong Floribert, Patrick C., Department of Theatre and Media Studies, University of Calabar, CRS, PMB 1115, Calabar, Nigeria
. (+234) 796 729 7673,
Essoh, Ndobo Eugenie Grace, Endong Floribert Patrick Calvain "The Indigenization of Foreign Language Teaching in Nigeria: Myth or Reality? " International Journal of Art, Culture, Design and Language, Vol. 1, Issue 1, PP. 8-13, June 2015.
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