Volume 2019
Visual Platform For Reactive Documents
(International Journal of Education Works)
Vol. 6, Issue 05, PP. 01-04, May 2019
Keywords: Visual Platform, Reactive, Documents
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The aim of our work is to provide the visual platform for creating reactive documents. The electronic books, articles, lectures, and documents on electronic devices all are entirely static in the context of web. It remains same for everyone and it is also very difficult to change the written material in large or small scale on electronic documents, unless one is familiar with computer programming. The documents, lectures and other electronic articles are static whether those are stored offline or online. That helps us to learn but do not clarify our vision on different perspective when it comes to quantitative data. On the other hand dynamic articles needs programming, which make them interactive and becomes very handy to understand and explore the information very well. The electronic devices have the capability to write dynamic articles but no proper concentration has been provided yet. The main aim of this project is to facilitate the user to write specifically on educational dynamic articles, documents and lectures on electronic devices. Those articles and documents will be reactive that helping, students to learn and broaden their understandings. Teachers will also benefit to write in a more better and efficient way.
- Muhammad Ilyas: Department of Computer Science, Islamia College University Peshawar, University Road Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan
- Dr Naveed Abbas: Department of Computer Science, Islamia College University Peshawar, University Road Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan
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Muhammad Ilyas, Dr Naveed Abbas, "Visual Platform For Reactive Documents" International Journal of Education Works, Vol. 6, Issue 05, PP. 01-04, May 2019.
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